Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Important tagline  
Readers of all countries should look to the new international thriller fashion, like novels in Spanish.

I want to start off by saying that this look so fantastic. It has nothing to do with Dan Brown, Clancy, Eco... This was Made in Spanish

Goal: I read Spanish thriller and books from independent authors. 

This book es for Spaniards and English readers by now ,
and for Dan Brown Spaniards Club 

Comment via Facebook: "Fantasy is great, but thrillers and romantic fiction have such a wider audience".

Title: Cornatel, el Secreto Español, 
by Antonio Ramos Z.
Cover by Ernesto Valdes

Finally, a credible conspiracy. A dangerous and strange adventure in a real conspiracy involving the mystery of the resurrection of Christ: this is Cornatel, a new book. At last, other thriller for new boom generation of thriller in Spanish (Hispanic World, millions, tons  of readers and thriller fans and writers). 

A thrilling adventure. Mystery, suspense, spies, sects, the mist of history. A real secret unveiled at last, a conspiracy against God. An amazing book for readers of modern times. FOLLOW ME
Yes, there is a secret, a mystery in Spain; if you do not believe, ask the Vatican or the US government, or look at the statues of salt in Cornatel.

What's up there? Castle of Cornatel is a new stone swan or what else? 

Read this:
Because of an e-mail, life changes for Prevost, a liberal professor who is interested in discovery the mystery of Christ’s resurrection. A dangerous and weird adventure involves to Prevost and Katherina, a beautiful woman who loves the ancient enigmas. The vortex of this novel is a conspiracy against God and Humanity regarding a secret hidden at old Spanish castle named Cornatel, where is the scene of undercover fight among powers searching the secret: ancient sects, as Thule of Germany and the Black Lords Templars of France, Vatican, the Masonic brotherhood, the Mafia, and espionage from US and Israel. The events take place in Madrid, Sevilla, the French Occitania, Rome, Munich, New York, mainly in Priaranza del Bierzo, León, Spain. An exciting ending reveals the shame and dangers of the world, the triumph of love and magic secret revealed. (CreateSpace and Kindle, First Edition in Spanish. English version coming soon).
Want to see the book, go to link:  http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00RJDT0I4
Read some reviews in Spanish in MyLIBRETO:

Read the novel and you feel empowered. 
An amazing book for readers of nowadays. Yes, there is a secret, a mystery in Spain. The mist, a castle, a path into the real secret. Why God is in dangerous?

Espero que la página sirva para entender la novela, lo que tiene de ficción y de testimonio. Esta es un thriller con una historia moderna que se remonta a las sombras del pasado, pero no tiene ninguna fantasía caprichosa. Lo que sucedió en Cornatel fue como arrancar el velo a la pesadilla de la historia. El peligro acecha dondequiera. Si crees en la fantasía, puedes salvarte. Cornatel con su niebla rota es un castillo mágico, sin dudas. España toda es un gran misterio. Hay poderes, organizaciones secretas, sectas y mafias interesadas en apoderarse del secreto más peligroso del mundo”. Por A.Ramos, autor de “El Secreto Español”

”I hope that the page to be relevant to understanding the novel, which is fiction and testimony. This is a literary thriller with a modern history which  dating back to the shadows of the past, but has no any whimsical fantasy. What happened in Cornatel was to removing the veil to the nightmare of history. Danger lurks everywhere. If you believe in fantasy, you can survive. Cornatel with her broken fog is a magical castle. All Spain is a great mystery. There are  powers, secret organizations, sects and mafias interested in taking over the world's most dangerous secret”. The author.

Dedication/ Agradecimientos:
Polón, Jaime, Howard, Patricia, the Veriwelles Writers Band, a Espe, Ernesto, Richard, mariposa Grace y a Tania, a la revista Herencia , a Añel, Ingrid, Yanet, Angelo, Lázaro, Isabel, Tony el hebreo, amigos, espías y conspiradores, para Papún, don Mario Pons, Cepero y Raphael Valdespino, a Mr. Rubens, a RTN arqueólogos de Madrid, and for The Group for Science Andrés Poey-J. Masiques y a Cornatel y el Bierzo, a la gente de Puerto Rico, de Ayestaran, de Madrid y Sevilla, de Miami y New York, de Praga y Colombia, de Puerto Vallarta and México, a los niños viejos de Mayarí abajo y Preston, a aquellos amigos que quieren seguir anónimos.
To you Pascal and Marcus, warriors.


A modern adventure,
a real secret unveiled at last,
 a conspiracy behind the daily scene.
Why God is in dangerous?

History is a nightmare
 wrote James Joyce

Castle of Cornatel, the vortex. Location: El Bierzo, Spain.
The Set. Photo: RNTarqueólogos.

Conspiracy, Who are they?
Balzac was right.
Image by Edward Biberman.

No face, no soul (love and hate)

Chief Welles was mason and spy

Kill the birds, stones and people, kill God

Invasión de palomas/Birds Invasion
Owners of  castle and mist.
Painting by Lette

revelead (to be or not to be).
"The secret is beyond".
Humberto Eco

Do not fear the mist, Secret is beyond. Destiny.
Katherine and Prevost, the secret black hole.

The last romantic, immortal warrior
He es Human like us.
Lot's parable.

Evil, new German call for power
Hitler again

Cornatel is a call to life and death (essence).
Love and struggle.
The key to understanding the panopticon power. 
Readers are actors too.


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