Tuesday, January 27, 2015


The thriller novel in Spanish and literary Boom in Amazon
Important tagline:  Readers of all countries should look to the new international thriller fashion, like novels in Spanish.

Progressively, thriller novels in Spanish are reaching the best selling scores. There are many titles and growing demand on Amazon.com and its branches around the world, including Spain. This genre includes the suspense, historical novel, plot of mystery and detective, action, fantasy, thriller, also the story of love and the everyday drama with its fascinating stories.  Generally the novel itself it becomes an exciting reading. The arguments abound: mystery, secrets, fictitious theories, conspiracies, espionage, revelations, as well as evocations of the past, history, religion and facets of all kinds of strange drama. The film industry draws from this genre, which is not commercial at all. Many novels have interesting intellectual and social proposals, original storylines and new literary forms and often they become a challenge if they contradict the theories and traditional prejudices.

Also the digital platforms are editing all categories of novel with success (romance, drama, erotica, adventure, testimony, etc.) The book history is in a new stage, and Amazon and other digital publishing (Bubok, Barnes and Noble , Alexandria Library and others), offer unseen opportunities. Social networking, Facebook, Google Plus, blogs, forums all over the internet is being filled by unknown authors and works of quality, and this phenomenon can no longer be ignored. Soon we will do a critical essay on the achievements of the novel created from the digital publishing and self publishing as well as the editorial barriers that produce the phenomenon Stoner and the A Confederacy of Dunces.

The thriller is a reflection point. The success of publications in English is amazing; in Spanish is less significant. However, the new independent authors in Spanish with their novelty are opening step, increase fans and some begin to sell in the competitive US market. Why the most translated and bestselling authors must always be Americans and British, when we have so many talented Hispanic writers and a historically brilliant literature of Spain?

The answer is the lack of publicity and opportunities for freelance writers in Spanish, marginalized from the elitist commodification of the book and besides ignored in reviews. On the other side is the formal overused style in front of  modern trends with its versatile, attractive, banal or deep language, as perceived in the digital experiments, whether or not trade literature. Even many readers prefer to read the books by Kindle novices, fresh, bold and original, sometimes immature, instead of the traditional sentimental works, with exceptions, of course.We already have many talents in the new wave: Fernando Trujillo, Blanca Miosi, Armando Añel, Valentina Truneanu, Fernando Gamboa, Mario Escobar, Nievas, Rodera, García Muñoz. Forgive this incomplete list of authors, until the next publication.

The change is so great that even the post (comments on the wall) in Facebook and the writings in personal web pages often are better curiosities than the stellar books displayed in street stores. This reality is leading to new literary wave that, regardless its mistakes and kind of greatness, is gaining a new generation of readers. In that boom, thriller continues to provide popular publications because they are fresh, original and exciting themes. A comparative study would allow understanding about the popularity key of the novel that is bought on Amazon, written by unknown authors of all ages and why the ranking of preference is not only the most affordable price. As conclusion: a more open market to the new talents would be enough for not reading stories of love and vampires in another language. We would have many Dan Brown, J. K. Rowling and Stephen King in Spanish among the best sellers.

Note 1

Recently I was in the Guadalajara International Book Fair  (Mexico),  a wonderful spectacle. Long lines, thousands of people were attending to buy books. Also many people asked for authors and titles of Amazon.
A problem: Books with prices too expensive, old titles, not many sales. Then people go to download books from Amazon.

Note 2

See the second part of this article: about the authors who have succeeded in Amazon, the literary portrait, its formal values, and projects. 

Note 3

This post shows the cover of some works written by famous eBooks novelists (Amazon writers). The photos have been downloaded via Internet. See more about the covers in the second part of this paper. We include the book of novelist John Locke, one of the bestselling worldwide Kindle authors.\
Go to Spanish version for cover show.
Enter this link for Spanish version of this article:

©AR blogger, Ramosa editor

NEXT "My favorite list of Amazon Books and book covers".

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